BIO 113 — Dinosaurs
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Lab 9
Modern Animal Diets & Teeth


Pierce & Grasp Prey (Swallow Whole)

Commonly found in fish eaters (and insect eaters)
Sea Lion Skull:
sealion skull
Alligator Teeth:
gator teeth
Dolphin Teeth:
dolphin teeth

Crush Hard-shelled Prey

Feed on clams, snails, crabs, turtles, etc.
Caiman Lizard Skull:
Caiman lizard skull
Spottail Pinfish Jaw:
fish jaw

Slice Flesh

Eat large animal prey by slicing or cutting off chunks of flesh
Jackal skull: Note cheek teeth
jackal skull
Bobcat Skull:
bobcat skull
Monitor Lizard Skull:
monitor skull
Requiem Shark Jaw
shark jaw

Herbivores & Omnivores

Shear, Crop or Pluck Plants

Use blade-like teeth to crop leaves and other plant parts that are then swallowed whole
Iguana Lizard Teeth:
iguana teeth

Grinding Plant Matter

Grind up plants in mouth (chewing) before swallowing
Deer Skull (note grinding surfaces on cheek teeth):
deer skull
Horse Skull (front incisors crop vegetation, cheek teeth grind it):
horse skull
Beaver Skull:
beaver skull
Beaver Teeth Closeup:
beaver teeth


Eat a mixed diet of both plant and animal matter
Peccary (Javelina) Skull:
javelina skull
Chimpanzee Skull:
chimp skull

Beaked Vertebrates

Beaks are versatile and can support a variety of diets
Turkey Skull:
turkey skull
Ostrich Skull:
Ostrich skull
Bald Eagle Skull (replica)
eagle skull
Snapping Turtle Skull (most turtles are carnivorous when young but become omnivorous when older):
turtle skull

Crocodylian Skulls

Skull shape can reflect diet
American Alligator Skull:
gator skull
Nile Crocodile Skull (juvenile):
chimp skull
Gharial Skull:
Garhial skull
This page last updated 26 May 20210 by Udo M. Savalli ()
Images and text © Udo M. Savalli. All rights reserved.